
Le règlement des litiges relatifs aux inventions de salariés

Le droit des inventions de salariés (CASRIP CEIPI FNDE)
Espace Hamelin, Paris
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court (UPC)

European Patent Reform 2014 (Managing Intellectual Property)
Marriott Hotel, Paris
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court (UPC)

European Patent Reform 2014 (Managing Intellectual Property)
Marriott Hotel, Munich, Allemagne
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court (interview by James Nurton)

European Patent Reform 2014 (Managing Intellectual Property)
Marriott Hotel, Munich, Allemagne
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court: How to Successfully Alter your Strategies and Prepare for the New Patent Litigation Era

Hi-Tech Patents: IPR Strategies & Litigation (C5)
Hilton Munich City Hotel, Munich, Allemagne
Pierre Véron

The Final Countdown – The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court (UPC): Ensuring You are Ready

13th International Forum on Pharma Patent Extensions (C5)
Kingsway Hall Hotel, London, UK
Pierre Véron

The Final Countdown – The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court

13th International Forum on Pharma Patent Extensions (C5)
Kingsway Hall Hotel, London, UK
Pierre Véron

La Juridiction unifiée du brevet : structure, compétence et fonctionnement

Brevet unitaire, Juridiction unifiée du brevet : quelles perspectives ? (Délégation des Barreaux de France)
Délégation des Barreaux de France, Bruxelles, Belgique
Pierre Véron

Opening Conference of the Training Centre of Unified Patent Court Judges

Opening Conference of the Training Centre of Unified Patent Court Judges (Hungarian Intellectual Property Office & European Patent Office)
Magyarság Háza, Budapest, Hungary
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court – The Real Deal

Biotech & Pharmaceutical Patenting (IBC)
Sheraton Munich Westpark, Munich, Allemagne
Pierre Véron