
La juridiction européenne unifiée des brevets

La mise en place du brevet unitaire et de la juridiction unifiée : un nouvel environnement juridique et judiciaire (APEB (Association des praticiens européens des brevets))
Gide Loyrette Nouel, Paris
Pierre Véron

Forum shopping with the Unified Patent Court: Less cases, more choice?

Biotech & Pharma Patenting 2013 IBC Legal (IBC Conferences)
The Westin Grand Munich, München, Allemagne
Pierre Véron

The implementation of the Enforcement Directive in France

The Model Law on Intellectual Property (Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation)
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Allemagne
Pierre Véron

The Unified Patent Court – state of the play in February 2013

The New European Patent System (LES France)
Pierre Véron

Business Strategy Considerations in Response to the Unitary Patent System Developments

Biotech & Pharma Patent Litigation (C5)
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Pierre Véron

Update on the Unified Patent and location of courts

IBC Legal Conference Biotech & Pharma Patenting (IBC Legal Conference)
The Bloomsbury Hotel, London, UK
Pierre Véron

Unitary patent: uniform protection and rights conferred (towards a limited unitary effect?) [Short version 5:30]

The creation of unitary patent protection in the European Union (Academy of European Law (ERA))
Maison de la recherche, Paris
Pierre Véron

Unitary patent: uniform protection and rights conferred (towards a limited unitary effect?) [Full version 16:30]

The creation of unitary patent protection in the European Union (Academy of European Law (ERA))
Maison de la recherche, Paris
Pierre Véron

Brevet unitaire et juridiction européenne unifiée des brevets : un an d’actualités

Journée de jurisprudence Brevets (FNDE/ASPI)
Maison de la Chimie, Paris
Pierre Véron

The future of the boards in the light of the possible introduction of a Unitary Patent and of a Unified Patent Court

EPO boards of appeal and key decisions: a review by internal and external experts (European Patent Academy)
EPO Isar Building, Munich, Germany
Pierre Véron