Moteur de recherche
dans les décisions
de la Juridiction unifiée du brevet

Bienvenue dans ce moteur de recherche dans les décisions de la Juridiction unifiée du brevet (JUB)

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Cette base de données privée, maintenue par Pierre Véron, met gracieusement à votre disposition les décisions rendues publiques par la Juridiction unifiée du brevet depuis son entrée en activité le 1er juin 2023 et un moteur de recherche pour les explorer.

Elle contient aussi des traductions automatiques en anglais (de courtoisie et sans garantie)  des décisions qui n’ont pas été rendues en anglais (ainsi que quelques traductions automatiques en français).

Pour voir TOUTES les décisions disponibles, tapez une astérisque * dans la case Recherche globale.

Recherche par mots (“preuve”,“evidence” ou “beweis”) ou par expressions (“procédure accélérée”, “accelerated proceedings” ou “beschleunigtes verfahren”).

Utilisation possible des opérateurs booléens (en anglais et en majuscules) :

  • test AND anticorps” , “test AND antibodies” ou “test AND antikörper
  • avocat OR représentant”,  “lawyer OR representative” ou “anwalt OR vertreter
  • test AND NOT anticorps”, “test AND NOT antibodies” ou “test AND NOT antikörper

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566 résultats trouvés

Numéro de l'affaire
Numéro de registre
Numéro de la décision ou de l'ordonnance
Type d'action
Juridiction - Division
Langue de procédure
Mots clés
Date Parties Numéro de l'affaire Numéro de registre Numéro de la décision ou de l'ordonnance Type d'action Juridiction - Division Langue de procédure Details Sommaire Mots clés Documents
22/11/2024 Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd., OROPE Germany GmbH UPC_CFI_ 210/2023 App_62286/2024 ORD_62530/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Mannheim (DE) Local Division German Ein einseitiger Antrag auf Verlegung eines Verkündungstermins durch die Beklagtenseite kurz vor dem Verkündungstermin hat regelmäßig keinen Erfolg. Ohne übereinstimmende Mitteilung einer prozessbeendenden Prozesshandlung beider Parteien hat die Klagepartei regelmäßig ein Interesse an der Verkündung einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung. Verlegungsantrag, Verkündungstermin, Aussetzung des Verfahrens
21/11/2024 Collomix GmbH v. Lidl, Delta-Sport UPC_CFI_550/2024 App_58075/2024 ORD_58893/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division German    
21/11/2024 DexCom, Inc. v. Abbott Logistics B.V., Abbott Laboratories GmbH, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Oy, Abbott Scandinavia Aktiebolag, Abbott (S.A./N.V.), Abbott B.V., Abbott France (S.A.S.), Abbott GmbH, Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Abbott Gesellschaft m.b.H., Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., Abbott s.r.l. UPC_CFI_499/2023 - ORD_59318/2024 Generic Order Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English    
21/11/2024 OrthoApnea S.L., Vivisol B BV v. *** UPC_CoA_456/2024 APL_44633/2024 ORD_58904/2024 Appeal RoP220.2 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) Dutch    
21/11/2024 Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG; Magna PT s.r.o.; Magna International France, SARL v. Valeo Electrification UPC_CoA_720/2024 App_62078/2024 ORD_62341/2024 Application Rop 224 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
21/11/2024 Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG; Magna PT s.r.o.; Magna International France, SARL v. Valeo Electrification UPC_CoA_719/2024 App_62076/2024 ORD_62333/2024 Application Rop 223 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
20/11/2024 Magna International France, SARL, Magna PT s.r.o., Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG UPC_CFI_347/2024 App_59991/2024 ORD_60265/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English   dismissed, R. 353 RoP, request for rectification
20/11/2024 Magna International France, SARL, Magna PT s.r.o., Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG UPC_CFI_368/2024 App_59992/2024 ORD_60264/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English   dismissed, R. 353 RoP, request for rectification
20/11/2024 DexCom, Inc. v. Abbott UPC_CFI_499/2023 App_60996/2024 ORD_61355/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English   R. 9.3 RoP, Extension of time limits, fairness and equity
19/11/2024 Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH, Intel Corporation, Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V., Xiaomi Inc., MediaTek Inc. (Headquarters), Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. v. Daedalus Prime LLC UPC_CFI_169/2024 App_53752/2024 ORD_53958/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Hamburg (DE) Local Division English 1. The UPC is bound by the general rule that access according to R. 262A RoP has to be granted to at least one natural person the other party. 2. A Defendants’ waiver of the right to have in-house individuals getting access to certain documents lodged by the Defendant in other legal disputes does not limit the rights of the Defendant in the present proceedings when it comes to documents lodged by the Claimant. R. 262A RoP; outside attorneys' eyes only; waiver of rights; U.S.. protective order.
19/11/2024 Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH, Intel Corporation, Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V., Xiaomi Inc., MediaTek Inc. (Headquarters), Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd. v. Daedalus Prime LLC UPC_CFI_169/2024 App_53752/2024 ORD_61899/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Hamburg (DE) Local Division English 1. The UPC is bound by the general rule that access according to R. 262A RoP has to be granted to at least one natural person the other party. 2. A Defendants’ waiver of the right to have in-house individuals getting access to certain documents lodged by the Defendant in other legal disputes does not limit the rights of the Defendant in the present proceedings when it comes to documents lodged by the Claimant. R. 262A RoP; outside attorneys' eyes only; waiver of rights; U.S.. protective order.
18/11/2024 Malikie Innovations Ltd. v. Nintendo UPC_CFI_555/2024 App_59463/2024 ORD_59817/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Hamburg (DE) Local Division English 1. A request for rectification is to be granted if the company the statment of claim was served to is the successor of the party named in the SoC by way of universal succession. 2. If there was no doubt to whom the statement of claim was intended to be directed against, there is no room to determine a deviating date of service. Service Rule 272, Rectification of name of party, Rule 305
15/11/2024 Meril Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Meril Gmbh v. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation UPC_CFI_15/2023 App_60393/2024 ORD_60761/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English    
15/11/2024 Meril Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Meril Gmbh v. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation UPC_CFI_15/2023 App_57746/2024 ORD_60760/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English    
15/11/2024 Koninklijke Philips N.V. v. Shenzen Yunding Information Technology UPC_CFI_515/2024 App_60676/2024 ORD_61204/2024 Application Rop 370 Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division German Regel 370 Abs. 9 (b) (i) VerfO ist im Falle der Rücknahme eines Antrags auf Erlass einstweiliger Maßnahmen vor Abschluss des schriftlichen Verfahrens analog anwendbar. Rückerstattung von Gerichtsgebühren, Rücknahme Antrag auf Erlass einstweiliger Maßnahmen
15/11/2024 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation v. Meril Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Meril Gmbh UPC_CFI_15/2023 ACT_459987/2023 ORD_598479/2023 Infringement Action Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English    
15/11/2024 Meril Life Sciences Pvt Ltd., Meril Gmbh v. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation UPC_CFI_15/2023 App_56354/2024 ORD_56918/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English    
14/11/2024 Heraeus Electronics GmbH & Co. KG v. Vibrantz GmbH UPC_CFI_114/2024 App_43938/2024 ORD_44025/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division German Handling of confidentiality requests in respect to trade secrets that had unnecessarily been introduced into the proceedings.  
14/11/2024 Magna International France, SARL, Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG, Magna PT s.r.o. v. Valeo Electrification UPC_CoA_691/2024 App_61002/2024 ORD_61229/2024 Application Rop 223 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
13/11/2024 HEWLETT-PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P v. LAMA FRANCE UPC_CFI_358/2023 ACT_578697/2023 ORD_598511/2023 Infringement Action Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Local Division French    
12/11/2024 AIM Sport Development AG v. Supponor Oy, Supponor Limited, Supponor SASU, Supponor Italia SRL, Supponor España SL UPC_CoA_500/2023 APL_596892/2023 ORD_598489/2023 Appeal RoP220.1 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
12/11/2024 AIM Sport Development AG v. Supponor Oy, Supponor Limited, Supponor SASU, Supponor Italia SRL, Supponor España SL UPC_CoA_489/2023 APL_596007/2023 ORD_598488/2023 Appeal RoP220.1 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
12/11/2024 Headwater Research LLC v. Qualcomm Inc. v. Samsung Electronics GmbH, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics France S.A.S UPC_CFI_54/2024 App_40276/2024 ORD_49223/2024 Procedural Order Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English An order for the production of a document against a third party is successful because the third party does not raise an objection. R 190 RoP., no objections raised, third party, Production of documents
05/11/2024 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. v. SICHUAN YUANXING RUBBER CO., LTD.China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Automotive Sub-council UPC_CFI_649/2024 ACT_59315/2024 ORD_59449/2024  Application for provisional measures Court of First Instance - Milan (IT) Local Division Italian    
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